Results for 'Arthur Walter Stawinski'

943 found
  1.  45
    Chance, Cause, Reason: An Inquiry Into the Nature of Scientific Evidence.Arthur Walter Burks - 1977 - Chicago,: University of Chicago Press.
    Concepts and problems; The calculus of inductive probability; Alternative inductive logics and the justification of induction; Probability and action; The pragmatic theory of inductive probability; The logic of causal statements as a formal language; The logic of causal statements as a model of natural language; The dispositional theory of empirical probability; Cause and chance in space - time systems; The presupposition of theory induction; Chance, cause, and reason.
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    [The logical foundations of the philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce.Arthur Walter Burks - 1943 - n.p.,:
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    What am I living for?Arthur Walter Osborn - 1974 - [London]: Turnstone Books.
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    Haunt me no longer.Arthur L. Caplan & Walter J. Bock - 1988 - Biology and Philosophy 3 (4):443-454.
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    Bengali Religious Lyrics, ŚaktaBengali Religious Lyrics, Sakta.Walter E. Clark, Edward J. Thompson & Arthur Marshman Spencer - 1926 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 46:270.
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    Consistent attending versus consistent responding in visual search: Task versus component consistency in automatic processing development.Arthur D. Fisk & Walter Schneider - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (4):330-332.
  7. Urban Church Planning.Walter Kloetzli & Hillman Arthur - unknown
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    Friar, Scientist and Philosopher.Arthur J. Walter - 1926 - Modern Schoolman 3 (6):85-86.
    ANNOUNCEMENT has just recently come from the University of Pennsylvania that one of the professors in the University is preparing the first English translationof the eminent Franciscan's "opus magniam". The Editor.
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    The Book of Chao: A Translation from the Original Chinese with Introduction, Notes and Appendices.Arthur F. Wright & Walter Liebenthal - 1950 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 70 (4):324.
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    Comment on Walter’s “Social Cognitive Neuroscience of Empathy: Concepts, Circuits, and Genes”.Arthur M. Jacobs - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (1):20-21.
    In his review, Walter (2012) links conceptual perspectives on empathy with crucial results of neurocognitive and genetic studies and presents a descriptive neurocognitive model that identifies neuronal key structures and links them with both cognitive and affective empathy via a high and a low road. After discussion of this model, the remainder of this comment deals more generally with the possibilities and limitations of current neurocognitive models, considering ways to develop process models allowing specific quantitative predictions.
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    Walter of Wimborne, O.F.M.: An Anglo-Latin Poet of the Thirteenth Century.Arthur George Rigg - 1971 - Mediaeval Studies 33 (1):371-378.
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    Offrandes dans les sanctuaires thasiens (campagnes d’étude 2000-2014).Christine Aubry, Stephanie Huysecom-Haxhi, Jacky Kozlowski, Jean-Jacques Maffre, Arthur Muller, Marie-Dominique Nenna, Martin Perron, Anne Tichit & Christine Walter - 2014 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 138 (2):665-687.
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  13. Jack Arthur Walter Bennett 1911-1981.N. Davis - 1983 - In Davis N., Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 68: 1982. pp. 481-494.
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    Boekbesprekingen.Bart J. Koet, Martin Parmentier, Carlo Leget, J. Visser, K. W. Jager, Arie L. Molendijk, Arthur Cools, A. H. C. van Eijk, M. F. M. van den Berk, Paul Schotsmans & Walter Van Herck - 1999 - Bijdragen 60 (1):93-116.
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    On Some Consequentiae in Walter Burleigh.Arthur N. Prior - 1953 - New Scholasticism 27 (4):433-446.
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    Arthur Schopenhauer in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten.Walter Abendroth - 1967 - (Reinbek b. Hamburg): Rowohlt (-Taschenbuch-Verlag..
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    Dietrich Georg Kieser, Sein Leben und Werk. Walter Brednow.Arthur Molella - 1972 - Isis 63 (2):288-289.
  18.  20
    Deciphering the Cosmic Number: The Strange Friendship of Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung.Arthur I. Miller - 2009 - W.W. Norton & Co..
    Arthur I. Miller is a master at capturing the intersection of creativity and intelligence. He did it with Einstein and Picasso, and now he does it with Pauli and Jung. Their shared obsession with the number 137 provides a window into their genius. --Walter Isaacson.
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    Observations on man, his frame, his duty and his expectations: the twenty-third Arthur Stanley Eddington memorial lecture.William Grey Walter - 1969 - London,: Cambridge University Press.
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  20. Kinkel, Walter, Allgemeine Geschichte der Philosophie. [REVIEW]Arthur Liebert - 1923 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 28:434.
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  21. (1 other version)König, Walter, Zurück zu Thomas v. Aquin! [REVIEW]Arthur Liebert - 1924 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 29:513.
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    Walter Patt, Transzendentaler Idealismus. [REVIEW]Arthur Melnick - 1991 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 16 (2):93-96.
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    Arthur Schopenhauer: Der handschriftliche Nachlass.Henry Walter Brann - 1970 - International Philosophical Quarterly 10 (4):664-667.
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    Arthur Schopenhauer: Gespräche.Henry Walter Brann - 1972 - International Philosophical Quarterly 12 (4):629-632.
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    Arthur Melnick, Space, Time, and Thought in Kant. [REVIEW]Walter Patt - 1991 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 16 (2):89-93.
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  26.  34
    Book Review:Wisdom and Responsibility. Walter Fales. [REVIEW]Arthur Child - 1947 - Ethics 57 (2):147-.
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    The painter and the cameraman: Boundaries in clinical relationships.Arthur W. Frank - 2002 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 23 (3):219-232.
    The issue of boundaries in clinician–patientencounters is considered through narrativeanalysis of four clinical stories in whichboundaries crossings are a self-conscioustopic. One story is by a physician as patient,two are by physicians, and one is by apalliative care nurse. The stories arediscussed using Walter Benjamin''s distinctionbetween the painter, who maintains distance andsees the whole, and the cameraman, who usestechnology to penetrate realities and thenreassembles fragments. The essay argues thatdistance and closeness are ethical issues thatconstitute the possibility of clinicalencounters but the (...)
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    The Twin Crises of Principles and Stories.Arthur W. Frank - 2022 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 65 (4):529-534.
    ABSTRACT:This symposium contribution argues that politicized responses to the COVID-19 pandemic mark the fracturing of the consensus that bioethics has been built upon. This consensus involved the mutual dependence of principles and stories: principles need stories to become applicable in clinical action, and stories need to reflect principles if they are to make generalized claims. Two mid-20th-century theorists, Erving Goffman and Walter Benjamin, each predicted the thinness of appeals to principles and to stories, respectively; their skepticism describes our moment. (...)
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  29.  13
    Nueva literatura en Rusia (1927).Walter Benjamin - forthcoming - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas.
    Traducción de “Neue Dichtung in Rußland” escrito por Walter Benjamin originalmente en 1927 para la revista i10, publicada en Ámsterdam por Arthur Lehning entre 1927 y 1929. Tomamos el texto del tomo II/2 de la edición canónica de los escritos reunidos, Gesammelte Schriften, editados por Rolf Tiedemann y Hermann Schweppenhäuser, Suhrkamp, 1997 (pp. 755-762). Tomás Sufotinsky, [tradução, apresentação e notas].
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    Gênese da representação como gênese do real.Walter Menon - 2018 - Doispontos 15 (2).
    Este texto tem como propósito sustentar a tese de que o mundo da arte se distingue do mundo da vida por ser aquele onde se dá o regime ficcional por excelência. Levando em conta os dois tipos de teoria pensado por Arthur Danto como dois tipos gerais a partir dos quais se pensa o mundo da arte: teoria da imitação e teoria do real, sugerimos uma continuidade entre eles. O primado da ficção seria próprio do mundo da arte. Entretanto, (...)
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  31.  56
    Arthur Schopenhauer. [REVIEW]Henry Walter Brann - 1968 - International Philosophical Quarterly 8 (2):291-295.
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    Arthur Schopenhauer. Posthumous Manuscripts, last Manuscripts, Gracian’s Manual Oracle. [REVIEW]Henry Walter Brann - 1976 - Philosophy and History 9 (2):145-150.
  33.  18
    Moral Psychology, Volume 1: The Evolution of Morality: Adaptations and Innateness.Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (ed.) - 2007 - MIT Press.
    Philosophers and psychologists discuss new collaborative work in moral philosophy that draws on evolutionary psychology, cognitive science, and neuroscience. For much of the twentieth century, philosophy and science went their separate ways. In moral philosophy, fear of the so-called naturalistic fallacy kept moral philosophers from incorporating developments in biology and psychology. Since the 1990s, however, many philosophers have drawn on recent advances in cognitive psychology, brain science, and evolutionary psychology to inform their work. This collaborative trend is especially strong in (...)
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  34. Social Norms, Rational Choice and Belief Change.Horacio Arlo-Costa & Arthur Paul Pedersen - unknown
    This article elaborates on foundational issues in the social sciences and their impact on the contemporary theory of belief revision. Recent work in the foundations of economics has focused on the role external social norms play in choice. Amartya Sen has argued in [Sen93] that the traditional rationalizability approach used in the theory of rational choice has serious problems accommodating the role of social norms. Sen's more recent work [Sen96, Sen97] proposes how one might represent social norms in the theory (...)
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    Conversations with Arthur Schopenhauer. [REVIEW]Henry Walter Brann - 1973 - Philosophy and History 6 (1):32-34.
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    Walter E. Broman, Timothy C. Lord, Roy W. Perrett, Colin Dickson, Jill P. Baumgaertner, Eva L. Corredor, William E. Cain, Ronald Bogue, Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn, Jay S. Andrews, David M. Thompson, David Carey, David Parker, David Novitz, Norman Simms, David Herman, Paul Taylor, Jeff Mason, Robert D. Cottrell, David Gorman, Mark Stein, Constance S. Spreen, Will Morrisey, Jan Pilditch, Herman Rapaport, Mark Johnson, Michael McClintick, John D. Cox, Arthur Kirsch, Burton Watson, Michael Platt, Gary M. Ciuba, Karsten Harries, Mary Anne O'Neil. [REVIEW]Wendell V. Harris - 1992 - Philosophy and Literature 16 (2):373.
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  37. Arthur Prior and Medieval Logic.Sara L. Uckelman - 2012 - Synthese 188 (3):349-366.
    Though Arthur Prior is now best known for his founding of modern temporal logic and hybrid logic, much of his early philosophical career was devoted to history of logic and historical logic. This interest laid the foundations for both of his ground-breaking innovations in the 1950s and 1960s. Because of the important rôle played by Prior's research in ancient and medieval logic in his development of temporal and hybrid logic, any student of Prior, temporal logic, or hybrid logic should (...)
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    Stray The Owl of Minerva: the Cambridge Praelections of 1906. Reassessments of Richard Jebb, James Adam, Walter Headlam, Henry Jackson, William Ridgeway, and Arthur Verrall. Pp. viii + 172, ills. Cambridge: Cambridge Philological Society, 2005. Paper. ISBN: 0-906014-27-1. [REVIEW]Richard Jenkyns - 2006 - The Classical Review 56 (2):511-512.
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  39.  43
    White Attic Vases - Athenian White Lekythoi. By Arthur Fairbanks. 2 vols. 8vo. Pp. ix + 371; ix + 275. Plates xv., xli. Many cuts. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1907, 1914. $4, 3·50. - Weissgrundige Attische Lekythen, nach Furtwängler's Auswahl bearbeitet von Walter Riezler. München: F. Bruckmann and Co. Text, pp. xi + 143; 96 plates. £13 15s. [REVIEW]P. Gardener - 1915 - The Classical Review 29 (05):145-146.
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    A New Miles Gloriosus- T. Macci Plauti Miles Gloriosus. Edited by Mason Hammond, Arthur M. Mack, and Walter Moskalew. Pp. x+202. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press (London, Oxford University Press), 1963. Cloth, 30 s. net. [REVIEW]John G. Griffith - 1965 - The Classical Review 15 (01):44-47.
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    Book Review:Inter-American Solidarity. Herminio Portell Vila, George Fielding Eliot, Eduardo Villasenor, Arthur R. Upgren, Frank Scott, Daniel Samper Ortega, J. Fred Rippy, Walter H. C. Laves. [REVIEW]Harold A. Larrabee - 1942 - Ethics 52 (4):509-.
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  42. Dionyseus Lyseus Reborn: The Revolutionary Philosophy Chorus.Joshua M. Hall - 2022 - Philosophy Today 66 (1):57-74.
    Having elsewhere connected Walter Otto’s interpretation of Dionysus as a politically progressive deity to Huey P. Newton’s vision for the Black Panthers, I here expand this inquiry to a line of Otto-inspired scholarship. First, Alain Daniélou identifies Dionysus and Shiva as the dancing god of a democratic/decolonizing cult oppressed by tyrannical patriarchies. Arthur Evans sharpens this critique of sexism and heteronormativity, concluding that, as Dionysus’s chorus is to Greek tragedy, so Socrates’s circle is to Western philosophy. I thus (...)
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  43. Blaski i cienie życia teoretyka /marksisty.Janusz Stawiński - 1985 - Colloquia Communia 19 (2):51-58.
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    On the Ubiquity of Violence.Janusz Stawiński & Lech Petrowicz - 1980 - Dialectics and Humanism 7 (3):165-175.
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    The Conference of the Editors of Philosophical and Sociological Journals from Socialist Countries.Janusz Stawiński - 1978 - Dialectics and Humanism 5 (4):129-135.
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    Truth in Myth and Science.Art Stawinski - 2005 - Dialogue and Universalism 15 (1-2):71-78.
    We humans are a curious species. Of all the life forms that inhabit the earth, we alone strive to make sense of the world in which we find ourselves. For thousands of years we understood the world through stories. Our ancestors told stories of how the world began, how our people originated and came to be at this place, and how those people across the river or beyond the mountains came to be where they are. Some stories were of animals (...)
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  47.  21
    The Polish Issue of Voprosy Filosofii.Janusz Stawiński - 1974 - Dialectics and Humanism 1 (2):183-184.
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    Aestheticism: Deep Formalism and the Emergence of Modernist Aesthetics.Michalle Gal - 2015 - Bern: Peter Lang.
    This book offers, for the first time in aesthetics, a comprehensive account of aestheticism of the 19<SUP>th</SUP> century as a philosophical theory of its own right. Taking philosophical and art-historical viewpoints, this cross-disciplinary book presents aestheticism as the foundational movement of modernist aesthetics of the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century. Emerging in the writings of the foremost aestheticists - Oscar Wilde, Walter Pater, James Whistler, and their formalist successors such as Clive Bell, Roger Fry, and Clement Greenberg - aestheticism offers a uniquely (...)
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  49. Na odsiecz człowiekowi etycznemu (H. D. Lewis, \"Freedom and Alienation\", Scottish Academy Press, Edinburgh 1985, Stron 260). [REVIEW]Janusz Stawiński - 1987 - Studia Filozoficzne 262 (9).
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    Illuminations: Essays and Reflections.Walter Benjamin - 1969 - Schocken.
    Views from one of the most original cultural critics of the twentieth century, Walter Benjamin.
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